Lemon Scented Tea Tree Oil

Leptospermum Petersonii

Leptospermum petersonii (or Leptospermum citratum), commonly known as lemon-scented Tea Tree, is a small bushy tree that naturally occurs near sclerophyll forest or rainforest, on sandy or rocky escarpments, on the east coast of Australia. The essential oil of lemon scented Tea Tree is produced by steam distillation of the leaves. As its name would suggest, the oil has a strong and fresh lemon scent, which is linked to its  main constituent being citronellal & citral.

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Product Details
Botanical Name: Leptospermum Petersonii
CAS Number: 85085-43-4
EINECS Number: 285-372-4
Dangerous Goods: Flammable Liquid
UN Number: Not regulated
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